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Here are some of our case studies
TAP Portugal planes maneuvering on the landing strip of an airport
logo tap air portugal


Vision, Mission & Values

TAP Portugal and Ideators teams after a co-creation session

With new shareholders since the beginning of 2018, this Portuguese Flagship organization was in need of revisiting its vision, mission and values, starting from the inside, to then address the public.


We conducted interviews on vision at the C-level which helped shape an online survey that was sent to every collaborator.


On top of that and in addition to the consolidation done at the agency, we led a 1-day co-creation workshop with 1st line of TAP Directors.

Ideators' co-creation workshop in TAP Portugal: people around a table discussing ideas and problems to solve
TAP Portugal planes maneuvering on the landing strip of an airport

All levels of the organization were involved in the process of defining the (by then) new north of TAP.


Additionally, engaging with different levels of the same organisation provided relevant insights into challenges and opportunities that were still undiscovered. 

On a green background, black text reads:  "No one is better than the sum of us"
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